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Månedsarkiv: juli 2004
Hack 87 Prevent and Contain Intrusions with Snort_inline
Install Snort_inline on your firewall to contain intrusions, or to stop them as they’re happening. Wouldn’t it be nice if your NIDS could not only detect intrusions, but also do something about them? It would be nice if it could … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Networking, Old Base
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Writing snort rules
Customize Snort for your own needs quickly and easily by leveraging its flexible rule engine and language. One of the best features of Snort is its rule engine and language. Snort’s rule engine provides an extensive language that enables you … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Linux, Networking, Old Base
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Snort sencors
Use SnortCenter’s easy-to-use web interface to manage your NIDS sensors. Managing an IDS sensor and keeping track of the alerts it generates can be a daunting task, and even more so when you’re dealing with multiple sensors. One way to … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Linux, Networking, Old Base
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Realtime monitoring snort , yet another gui
Use Sguil’s advanced GUI to monitor and analyze IDS events in a timely manner. One thing that’s crucial when analyzing your IDS events is to be able to correlate all your audit data from various sources, to determine the exact … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Networking, Old Base
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web Frontend to SNORT
Use ACID to make sense of your IDS logs. Once you have set up Snort to log information to your database [Hack #82] ), you may find it hard to cope with all the data that it generates. Very busy … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Old Base, Security
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Detect intrusions with snort
Use one of the most powerful (and free) network intrusion detection systems available to help you keep an eye on your network. Monitoring your logs can take you only so far in detecting intrusions. If the logs are being generated … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Networking, Old Base, Security
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Tunnel with PPP and SSH
Use PPP and SSH to create a secure VPN tunnel. There are so many options to choose from when creating a VPN or tunneled connection that it’s mind-boggling. You may not be aware that all the software you need to … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Networking, Old Base, SSH
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Cross platform VPN
Use OpenVPN to easily tie your networks together. Creating a VPN can be quite difficult, especially when dealing with clients using multiple platforms. Quite often, a single VPN implementation isn’t available for all of them. As an administrator, you can … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Networking, Old Base, OpenVPN
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Automatic vtund.conf configurator
Generate a vtund.conf on the fly to match changing network conditions. If you’ve just come from [Hack #78], then the following script will generate a working vtund.conf for the client side automatically. If you haven’t read the previous hack (or … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Networking, Old Base
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Tunnel with VTUN and SSH
Connect two networks using VTun and a single SSH connection. VTun is a user-space tunnel server, allowing entire networks to be tunneled to each other using the tun universal tunnel kernel driver. An encrypted tunnel such as VTun allows roaming … Læs resten
Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Networking, Old Base
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