Pound Loadbalancer Quick Reference

I just stumbled upon this thing at a clients setup … so im in the process of learning this.

Status of the Load Balancer:

# poundctl -c /var/run/pound/poundctl.socket
  0. HTTPS Listener xx.yy.zz.176:443 a
    0. Service active (15)
      0. Backend active (5 0.000 sec) alive
      1. Backend active (5 0.000 sec) alive
      2. Backend active (5 0.000 sec) alive
 -1. Global services

To disable :

# poundctl -c /var/run/pound/poundctl.socket -b 0 0 1

To enable:

# poundctl -c /var/run/pound/poundctl.socket -B 0 0 1


Dette indlæg blev udgivet i Apache, Backdoors. Bogmærk permalinket.

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