Adding drop-shadow to columns in WordPress / Gutenberg using Twenty Twenty Four

In backend left-side menu click “Appearance” and then “Editor”:

You are not in the customizer, click “Styles”:

This takes you to the style-selector, click the edit-button in the op right. Looks like a pen:

This opens the style-editor in the right site of the screen:

Now click “Blocks”, this brings up a list of blocks you can customize, pick “Column”:

This brings you to an interface that lets you change the default design for columns:

You need to scroll to the bottom, open the “Additional CSS” option:

And add the code you see there:

.dropshadow { 
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);

Then click the “Save” button in the top-right corner:

Button changes a bit, just in case you changed your mind. Click it again:

Now navigate to the page and the column in the editor where you wish to add drop shadow:

And add “dropshadow” as a css-class:

Very pwetty and very phancey ?

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