Forfatterarkiv: Brian Lund Klint


This only works in IE (sigh). I’m working on a mozilla compatible version… make a .html file with this content and add the bookmarklets to your bookmarks: <a href=”javascript:Q=document.selection.createRange().text;if(!Q){void(Q=prompt(‘Find funktion:’,”))};if(Q)location.href=’’+escape(Q)”>Find PHP funktion</a> <br /> <a href=”javascript:Q=document.selection.createRange().text;if(!Q){void(Q=prompt(‘Søg efter:’,”))};if(Q)location.href=’’+escape(Q)”>Søg på Fujang knowledge … Læs resten

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Add the following to your kernel: options NTFS Add this to /etc/fstab (ofcourse adjust for your system) /dev/ad3s1 /mnt/boot ntfs ro 0 0 /dev/ad3s2 /mnt/data ntfs ro 0 0 Mount with: mount /mnt/data

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Naming vars(and other shit) with camel notification

VeryLongPassword for Very long password are called camel notification and camel notation.

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Linking pre 3.2 Unreal IRCD Servers

This describes how to link pre 3.2 Unrealircd server 3.2+ are using a differet config file format. C tells the server to try to connect to the server with adresse with name on port 6667 in connection class … Læs resten

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No color when programming ncurses on linux when connected via putty.

When you login via putty then your TERM is set to ‘xterm’. You will not be able to see colors with ncurses. Set TERM=’linux’ and you can now see the colors. cc

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SQL backup and restore

dump the database with mysqldump: mysqldump -A -a -p > [FILE] store it, move it to the new server or do whatever is needed… insert the table by starting the mysql client: mysql -p and run the file with the … Læs resten

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Compile freebsd kernel

cd /usr/src/sys/<arch>/conf/ cp GENERIC HOSTNAME vi HOSTNAME # Edit file and add wanted options (remove unwanted) cd /usr/src make buildkernel KERNCONF=HOSTNAME make installkernel KERNCONF=HOSTNAME

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DNS Querys

Simple A-Record query (what is the ip of this host?) host Simple PTR-record query (What is the hostname for this ip) host -t ptr Simple MX-record query (Who is handlin mail for this host) host -t ptr … Læs resten

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How to disable xscreensaver black screen

use: xset s off If you want to learn more, please refer to “man xset” // Vladimirr –

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Unix prompt in windows 2000


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