Kategoriarkiv: Linux


Mit lydkordt virkede ikke så godt under Linux. Det er ikke så fedt at høre “skral skral skral” samt noget musik der burte lyde godt….! Jeg rettede i filen /etc/emu10k1.conf CARD_IS_5_1=yes kør så # emu10k1-script

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Xorg / XFree86 paa freebsd

This is only in -CURRENT. For those of you in 5.2.1, or 4.10, you can add: X_WINDOW_SYSTEM=xorg in /etc/make.conf. For those of you running -CURRENT that want the old X, make it: X_WINDOW_SYSTEM=xfree86-4

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Dansk Sprognævns Retskrivningsordbog i Linux = ro

1. Oversæt C-programmet, f.eks. med kommandoen: gcc -Wall -O2 -o ro ro.c 2. Flyt det eksekverbare program (»ro«) et passende sted hen, f.eks.: mv ro /usr/local/bin 3. Flyt manualsiden et passende sted hen, f.eks.: mv ro.1 /usr/local/man/man1/ 4. Læs manualsiden: … Læs resten

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Partyrouterens pauseskaerm

#!/bin/sh while (true) do HARSK=`echo $HARSK | md5sum`; echo -ne “\033[32m`echo $HARSK | cut -d- -f1`\033[0m”; done;

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Normal POP3/SMTP operation

Reff til post nr 33 af BT Normal SMTP operation Vi telnetter til POP3 serveren: bash-2.05b$ telnet 110 Trying… Connected to Escape character is ‘^]’. +OK <2833.1090064063@unifix.org> user test@test.com +OK pass testpass +OK stat +OK 0 0 … Læs resten

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Change rsync server

Lets say the server has this ip: , then add this to your /etc/make.conf : SYNC=”rsync://” Then the clients will sync from that server when doing ’emerge sync’ .

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How to setup a Gentoo Linux Portage Tree rsync daemon on slackware

How to setup a Gentoo Linux Portage Tree rsync daemon on slackware First you install rsync by using swaret: swaret –install rsync Then we have to create a directory to store the portage mirror in, here we use: /mnt/cache/rsync/portage After … Læs resten

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The Gentoo Framebuffer, Bootsplash & Grubsplash How-To

The Gentoo Framebuffer, Bootsplash & Grubsplash How-To (now updated for 2.6.x kernel tree) Note: This guide may only be translated or reproduced with the explicit permission of the author. Please PM me. Post documentation, tips and tricks on this thread. … Læs resten

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How to setup a Gentoo Linux Portage Tree rsync daemon on slackware

How to setup a Gentoo Linux Portage Tree rsync daemon on slackware First you install rsync by using swaret: swaret –install rsync Then we have to create a directory to store the portage mirror in, here we use: /mnt/cache/rsync/portage After … Læs resten

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Scan for rootkit

Use chkrootkit to determine the extent of a compromise. If you suspect that you have a compromised system, it is a good idea to check for root kits that the intruder may have installed. In short, a root kit is … Læs resten

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