Kategoriarkiv: Linux

Restricted Shell Environments

Keep your users from shooting themselves (and you) in the foot. Sometimes a sandboxed environment [Hack #10] is overkill for your needs. If you want to set up a restricted environment for a group of users that only allows them … Læs resten

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Control login access with pam

Seize fine-grained control of when and where your users can access your system. In traditional Unix authentication there is not much granularity available in limiting a user’s ability to log in. For example, how would you limit the hosts that … Læs resten

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Restrict apps with grsecurity

To restrict specific applications, you will need to make use of the gradm utility, which can be downloaded from the main grsecurity site (http://www.grsecurity.net). You can compile and install it in the usual way: unpack the source distribution, change into … Læs resten

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Lock down your kernel with grsecurity

Harden your system against attacks with the grsecurity kernel patch. Hardening a Unix system can be a difficult process. It typically involves setting up all the services that the system will run in the most secure fashion possible, as well … Læs resten

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Append only logfiles freebsd/linux

Use file attributes to prevent intruders from removing traces of their break-in. In the course of an intrusion, an attacker will more than likely leave telltale signs of his actions in various system logs. This is a valuable audit trail … Læs resten

Udgivet i FreeBSD, Knowledge Base, Linux, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

Loosy dir permisions and sticky bit

# find / -type d \( -perm -g+w -o -perm -o+w \) -exec ls -lad {} \; Any directories that are listed in the output should have the sticky bit set, which is denoted by a t in the directory’s … Læs resten

Udgivet i Knowledge Base, Linux, Old Base | Skriv en kommentar

Secure mount points

A mount option is a flag that controls how the filesystem may be accessed. It is passed to the operating system kernel’s code when the filesystem is brought online. Mount options can be used to prevent files from being interpreted … Læs resten

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how to make hotplug on slackware not plug in pci

just remove the file /etc/hotplug/pci.rc mv /etc/hotplug/pci.rc /etc/hotplug/pci.rc.old (the script only looks for *.rc) should also work with pcmcia =D

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Tip til gentoo install

Hvis du skal forsætte en Gentoo installision midt i det hele efter at din box har været slukket…. boot op på gentoo cd’en # mount /dev/$ROOT /mnt/gentoo mount så alle de ander filsystemer # chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash # mount -t … Læs resten

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Krypteret loop back fil system i Linux

Kernel skal patches men jeg har ikke kunne finde den path… util-linux skal også patches. ——–GENTOO———— I Gentoo kan man bare bruge Gentoo-sources og util-linux root# emerge gentoo-sources root# USE=”crypt” emerge util-linux I /etc/make.conf kan man tilføje crypt til USE … Læs resten

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